There are plans to retire lots of lego by the end of the year here are just some from a few themes .

- Bugatti chiron
- getaway truck
- remote control stunt racer
- 4×4 x-treme off roader
- liebherr R 9800 Excavator
- mini class EXRION
- dragster
- catamaran
- stunt show truck & bike
- Ducati panigale V 4 R
- mobile crane
- App controled Top gear rally car
- concrete mixer truck
- skid steer loader

most ninjago sets from 2020 will be gone in a few months here is a list of them
- 71701 kai fire dragon
- 71703 storm fighter battle
- 71704 kai fighter
- 71705 destiny bounty
- 71709 jay and Lloyd’s velocity racers
- 71719 zane mino creature
- 71720 Fire stone mech
- 71721 skull sorcerer dragon
- 71722 skull sorcerer dungeon
- 71730 epic battles kai vs skulkin
- 71731 epic battle Zane vs nindroid
- 71732 epic battle jay vs serpentine
- 71733 epic battle cole vs ghost

There is loads of star wars sets retiring
- 31200 Star Wars sith
- 40431 BB-8
- 40391 First order stormtrooper
- 75249 Resistance Y-wing Starfighter
- 75251 Darth Vader castle
- 75254 AT-ST RAIDER
- 75256 Kylo ren’s shuttle
- 75267 Mandalorian Battle pack
- 75270 Obi – wan hut
- 75271 Luke skywalker’s landspeeder
- 75273 Poe Dameron’s X-wing fighter
- 75274 Tie fighter pilot helmet
- 75275 A wing starfighter
- 75276 Stormtrooper helmet
- 75281 Anakin’s Jedi inceptor
- 75284 Knights of Ren transport ship
- 75286 General grevious starfighter
- 75291 Death star final duel
- 75293 Resistance I-TS transport
- 75317 Mandalorian & child
this will be updated again with more retiring sets