New Ninjago Dragons Rising sets rumored for January and March 2024

Even though we haven’t seen the seconded half of Dragons rising we have leaks about new sets for 2024 this information came from which is often very accurate on Lego rumors this link will take you to there website.


The January wave of sets consists of 3 new spinner sets for Kai, Nya and Arin these being gliders. After the never before seen gliders we have a lot of mechs for Arin, jay, Cole, Sora and Kai.

Arin’s mech will be a 4+ set which retails for 14.99€ which is likely to be £12.99 and will have 104 pieces

Jays mech will probably be like a core mech and will retail for 9.99€ which will likely be £8.99 in the UK it will also have 78 pieces which could have been higher since the Arin 4+mech has 104 pieces.

Cole mech is a mech we really want since we don’t get many Cole mechs so we are getting one it is hare to be certain what the mech will look like but we do know it will be 19.99€ and probably £18.99 in the UK and will have 235 pieces

Why Sora needs a mech when she had one in the summer wave of 2023 we do not know. However this is a lot better value this one costs 19.99€ and probably £18.99 and has 209 pieces.

You would think with a new show they would give a mech to Nya but no we have another Kai mech which is a very good price at 29.99€ and probably £26.99.

The final set of the January wave is a dragon which costs 69.99€ and probably £59.99 in the UK and it has 532 pieces.


In march the more interesting stuff comes out here are the 4 sets.

The first set is a very wired being called Riyu the baby dragon Dragon. Since we know Riyu is a source dragon so maybe Riyu is growing up anyway the set costs 14.99€ and probably £12.99 in the UK.

The next set is the most unique from the wave being Arin’s ninja off-road buggy which sounds like a very nice set will cost 49.99€ and probably £46.99 in UK.

Hopefully this is wrong that we are getting two mechs for kai. Hopefully this will be like a titan mech set which kai does thankfully not have yet. this will be 69.99€ and probably £59.99 in the UK

The final set is probably the most exciting new set being the Dragonstone temple which will probably look similar two the temple of the dragon energy cores. This will be 119.99€ and likely £105 in the UK this will be the most expensive set of the wave.

Thank you to ( for providing us with the list of sets.

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