Here you will find the list of ninjago episodes
Pilots 2011
The pilots were the begining were the ninja found the golden weapons
Episode 1 | Way of the Ninja | 22 mins long |
Episode 2 | The King of shadows | 22mins long |
Rise of the snakes 2012 season 1
after the pilots lloyd the future green ninja release the serpintine tribes who gather the four fang blades and unleash the great devourer and if things couldnt get worse for the five ninja garmadon takes the golden weapons
Episode Number | Name of episode | How long |
Episode 1 | Rise of the snakes | 22mins long |
Episode 2 | Home | 22mins long |
Episode 3 | Snakebit | 22mins long |
Episode 4 | Never trust a snake | 22mins long |
Episode 5 | can of worms | 22mins long |
Episode 6 | Snake King | 22mins long |
Episode 7 | Tick Tock | 22mins long |
Episode 8 | Once Bitten twice shy | 22mins long |
Episode 9 | The royal blacksmith | 22mins long |
Episode 10 | The Green Ninja | 22mins long |
Episode 11 | All of nothing | 22mins long |
Episode 12 | Rise of the great devourer | 22mins long |
Episode 13 | Day of the great devourer | 22mins long |
Legacy of the green ninja 2012/13 season 2
Now the great devourer been defeated the ninja are repairing ninjago city while garmadon forges the golden weapons into a mega weapon lloyd is training and becomes the same age as the other ninja after that in the seconed half of the series the ninja travel to the dark island where they battle the Overlord and his stone army and lloyd becomes the golden ninja.
Episode number | Episode Name | how long |
Episode 14 | Darkness shall rise | 22mins long |
Episode 15 | Pirates vs ninja | 22mins long |
Episode 16 | Double trouble | 22mins long |
Episode 17 | Ninjaball run | 22mins long |
Episode 18 | Childs play | 22mins long |
Episode 19 | Wrong place Wrong Time | 22mins long |
Episode 20 | The stone army | 22mins long |
Episode 21 | The day Ninjago stood still | 22mins long |
Episode 22 | The Last Voyage | 22mins long |
Episode 23 | Island of Darkness | 22mins long |
Episode 24 | The last hope | 22mins long |
Episode 25 | Return of the overlord | 22mins long |
Episode 26 | Rise of the spinjitzu master | 22mins long |
Rebooted 2014 season 3
After Lloyd defeated the Overlord garmadon turned good and ninjago was rebuilt into to a tech wonderlad but when they built the borg tower on were the overlord was defeated he sneaks into the computer and takes over ninjago city and obsesesd on taking lloyds golden powers and in the end Zane makes the ultamite sacrifice.
Episode Number | Episode name | how long |
Episode 27 | The surge | 22minslong |
Episode 28 | The art of the silent fist | 22mins long |
Episode 29 | Blackout | 22mins long |
Episode 30 | The curse of the Golden Master | 22mins long |
Episode 31 | Enter the digiverse | 22mins long |
Episode 32 | Codename arcturus | 22mins long |
Episode 33 | The Void | 22mins long |
Episode 34 | The Titanium Ninja | 22mins long |
The Tournament of elements 2015 season 4
When they recieve a mystery invitation the ninja learn that zane is alive and travel to chens island they take part in thetournamet beside there follow elemental masters chen takes there powers when they lose a task so he can become an alacondrai in the end Lloyd is the only one left and Garmadon sacrifice himself.
Episode number | Episode name | how long |
Episode 35 | The invitation | 22mins long |
Episode 36 | Only one can remain | 22mins long |
Episode 37 | Versus | 22mins long |
Episode 38 | Ninja Roll | 22mins long |
Episode 39 | Spy for a Spy | 22mins long |
Episode 40 | Spellbound | 22mins long |
Episode 41 | The Forgotten element | 22mins long |
Episode 42 | Day of the dragon | 22mins long |
Episode 43 | The Greatest fear of all | 22mins long |
Episode 44 | The Corridor of elders | 22mins long |
Possession 2015 season 5
After Garmadon defeated chen it let the ghost of morro the master of wind out of a different realm and when lloyd is called on a fake mission he possesed him turning him against the other ninja while nya trains to become the master of water the ninja stop possesed lloyd from getting to the realm crystal wich will bring his master to ninjago and curse evrything and cole becomes a ghost
Episode number | Episode name | how long |
Episode 45 | Winds of Change | 22mins long |
Episode 46 | Ghost story | 22mins long |
Episode 47 | Stiix and stones | 22mins long |
Episode 48 | The temple on the haunted hill | 22mins long |
Episode 49 | Peek-a-boo | 22mins long |
Episode 50 | Kingdom come | 22mins long |
Episode 51 | The crooked path | 22mins long |
Episode 52 | Grave Danger | 22mins long |
Episode 53 | Curseworld part I | 22mins long |
Episode 54 | Curseworld part II | 22mins long |
Skybound 2016 season 6
now the preniment has been destroyed one of the ghost escaped and freed the dijin nadakhan from his lamp Nadakhan then frames the ninjago and gets them sent to prison the ninja escape and nadakhan sets out to capture the ninja and marry nya in the nya and jay are the only ninja left so jay steals the sword which other ninja are trapped in frees them and rescues nya and he usees his last wish so the the teapot was never found meaning the series did not happen
Episode Number | Episode name | How long |
Episode 55 | Infamous | 22mins long |
Episode 56 | Public enemy number 1 | 22mins long |
Episode 57 | Enkrypted | 22mins long |
Episode 58 | Misfortune rising | 22mins long |
Episode 59 | On a wish and a prayer | 22mins long |
Episode 60 | My dinner with Nadakhan | 22mins long |
Episode 61 | wishmasters | 22mins long |
Episode 62 | The last resort | 22mins long |
Episode 63 | Operation land ho | 22mins long |
Episode 64 | The way back | 22mins long |
Day of the Departed 2016 special
Day of the departed was a special to mark 5 years of ninjago it was 45 miniutes long and cole becomes normal again
The Hands of time 2017 season 7
After the day of the departed master wu heads to the burnt down remains of the monostarey of sinjitzu where he fights an old foe acronix one of the time twins and in the end neads help from the six ninja the kai discovers his parents are alive and master wu gets lost in time
Episode Number | Episode Name | How long |
Episode 65 | The hands of time | 22mins long |
Episode 66 | The hatching | 22mins long |
Episode 67 | A time of traitors | 22mins long |
Episode 68 | Scavangers | 22mins long |
Episode 69 | A line in the sand | 22mins long |
Episode 70 | The Attack | 22mins long |
Episode 71 | Secrets discovered | 22mins long |
Episode 72 | Pause and effect | 22mins long |
Episode 73 | Out of the fire and into the boiling sea | 22mins long |
Episode 74 | Lost in time | 22mins long |
The Lego Ninjago Movie
After six successful year lego made a blockbuster movie with celebrity actors and a more comedy feel to it the film also introduced lots of new designs that would change ninjago alot
Sons of Garmadon 2018 season 8
After master wu went missing in time the Ninja went on different mission until lloyd captured some sons of garmadon stealing from borg tower of which they stole the first oni mask after that the ninja are asked to protect the royal family of ninjago because they are keeping the sconed mask safe but the sog get that to when lloyd is on the way to get the last oni was beytrayed by princess Harumi who ressurects garmadon at the end of the series the 4 original ninja and wu get sent to a different realm after the destinys bounty was destroyed and Nya and Lloyd were left in Ninjago
Episode Number | Episode Name | How long |
Episode 75 | The Mask of deception | 22mins long |
Episode 76 | The Jade Princess | 22mins long |
Episode 77 | The Oni and the dragon | 22mins long |
Episode 78 | Snake jaguar | 22mins long |
Episode 79 | Dead man’s squall | 22mins long |
Episode 80 | The Quiet One | 22mins long |
Episode 81 | Game of masks | 22mins long |
Episode 82 | Dread on Arrival | 22mins long |
Episode 83 | True Potential | 22mins long |
Episode 84 | Big Trouble little Ninjago | 22mins long |
Hunted 2018 season 9 2018
After most of ninja are sent to the first realm Lloyd and Nya are gathering allies to battle Emperor Garmadon and the sons of Garmadon while the Other Ninja were captured by a Native group called the dragon hunters when the ninja set the dragons free one of the hunters joins the ninja and they return to there home were Lloyd and Master wu battle garmadon and Garmadon leaves a message saying they will come.
Episode Number | Episode name | How long |
Episode 85 | Firstbourne | 22mins long |
Episode 86 | Iron and Stone | 22mins long |
Episode 87 | Radio free Ninjago | 22mins long |
Episode 88 | How to build a dragon | 22mins long |
Episode 89 | The Glided path | 22mins long |
Episode 90 | Two lies one truth | 22mins long |
Episode 91 | The weakest link | 22mins long |
Episode 92 | Saving Faith | 22mins long |
Episode 93 | Lessons for a master | 22mins long |
Episode 94 | Green Destiny | 22mins long |
Ninjago Legacy
in 2019 lego began making remakes of classic ninjago sets though there were no episode some things like the earth drill and monostarey did appear in Ninjago season 10 as well as the ninja suits
March of the Oni 2019 season 10 2019
It is quite hard in a way to call march of the oni a series due to there only being 4 episode
When Garmadon said they would come he was correct the oni invaded ninjago Lloyd and his farther enterd the oni cloud to destroy the realm crystal hoping the oni would go but they didn’t but they did find the golden armour which was turned back into the golden weapons and use in the battle against the oni
Episode Number | Episode Name | How Long |
Episode 95 | The Darkness comes | 22mins long |
Episode 96 | Into the Breach | 22mins long |
Episode 97 | The Fall | 22mins long |
Episode 98 | Endings | 22mins long |
Secrets of forbidden Spinjitzu season 11 2019/2020
This series is split in half there being a fire and ice chapter
After the battle against the oni the ninja have gone Lazy till master wu tells them to find a quest so they travel to a pyramid in the desert of doom wqhere they accidentaly free aspherra a snake sorcerres where she tells them that she wants revenge on the trecherous deciever (aka Master wu ) and as punishment sends Zane to the Never Realm
The Ninja then disobey wu and use the travlers tea to head not knowing that they can’t get back with it when they arrive they find a villiage which they decide to protect while Lloyd heads to rescue zane were he meets the formling Akita and when they arrive at the place zane is they find out he has lost his memory and become the ice emporer.
Episode Number | Episode Name | How long |
Episode 99 | Wasted true potential | 11mins long |
Episode 100 | Questing for quests | 11mins long |
Episode 101 | A rocky start | 11mins long |
Episode 102 | The Belly of the Beast | 11mins long |
Episode 103 | Booby traps and how to survive them | 11mins long |
Episode 104 | The news Never sleeps | 11mins long |
Episode 105 | Ninja vs Lava | 11mins long |
Episode 106 | Snaketastrophy | 11mins long |
Episode 107 | Powerless | 11mins long |
Episode 108 | Ancient History | 11mins long |
Episode 109 | Never trust a human | 11mins long |
Episode 110 | Under siege | 11mins long |
Episode 111 | The explorers club | 11 mins long |
Episode 112 | Vengeance is mine | 11mins long |
Episode 113 | A cold Goodbye | 11mins long |
Episode 114 | The Never Realm | 11mins long |
Episode 115 | Fire maker | 11mins long |
Episode 116 | An unlikely ally | 11mins long |
Episode 117 | The Absolute worst | 11mins long |
Episode 118 | The Message | 11mins long |
Episode 119 | The Travelers’s Tree | 11mins long |
Episode 120 | Krag’s Lament | 11mins long |
Episode 121 | Secret of the wolf | 11mins long |
Episode 122 | The Last of the Formlings | 11mins long |
Episode 123 | My Enemy My Friend | 11mins long |
Episode 124 | The Kaiju Protocol | 11mins long |
Episode 125 | Corruption | 11mins long |
Episode 126 | A fragile Hope | 11 mins long |
Episode 127 | Once and for all | 11mins long |
Episode 128 | Awakenings | 11mins long |
Prime Empire season 12 2020
When the ninja go to stop the mechanic they find an arcade pod so while the other ninja are looking at some CCTV Jay plays it and is pulled after that the other ninja except for Zane and learn they have to get all three key- tanas to get out but they only have 4 lives so in the end Unagami the emperor of the game escapes into the real word and jay and Zane follow him and stop him
Episode Number | Episode Name | How long |
Episode 129 | Would you like to enter prime empire | 11mins long |
Episode 130 | Dyer Island | 11mins long |
Episode 131 | Level Thirteen | 11mins long |
Episode 132 | Superstar Rockin jay | 11mins long |
Episode 133 | I am Okino | 11 mins long |
Episode 134 | The glitch | 11mins long |
Episode 135 | The Cliffs of Hysteria | 11mins long |
Episode 136 | The Maze of the Red Dragon | 11mins long |
Episode 137 | One Step forward Two steps back | 11mins long |
Episode 138 | Racer Seven | 11mins long |
Episode 139 | The Speedway Five Billion | 11mins long |
Episode 140 | Stop Drop and Side Scroll | 11mins long |
Episode 141 | Ninjago Confidential | 11mins long |
Episode 142 | The Prodigal Farther | 11mins long |
Episode 143 | The Temple of Madness | 11mins long |
Episode 144 | Game Over | 11mins long |
Master of the Mountain season 13 2020
After several of the ninja’s adventures Master Wu feels like he is not needed but goes on an adventure when the ninja get an invitation from the Kingdom of Shintaro for Princess Vania birthday but when they get there Cole and Vania discover 2 tribes under the control of the Skull Sorcerer cole is soon captured as well as the other ninja the ninja go into three groups cole being with Wu and Vania where they find out about The Spinitzu Burst and also find outh that the identity of the skull sorcerer is vangelis Vania Farther.
Episode number | Episode Name | How Long |
Episode 145 | Shintaro | 11mins long |
Episode 146 | Into the Dark | 11mins long |
Episode 147 | The worst rescue ever | 11mins long |
Episode 148 | The Two Blades | 11mins long |
Episode 149 | Queen of the Munce | 11mins long |
Episode 150 | Trial By Mino | 11mins long |
Episode 151 | The Skull Sorcerer | 11mins long |
Episode 152 | The real fall | 11mins long |
Episode 153 | Dungeon Party | 11mins long |
Episode 154 | Dungeon Crawl | 11mins long |
Episode 155 | Grief-Bringer | 11mins long |
Episode 156 | Masters Never Quit | 11mins long |
Episode 157 | The Darkest Hour | 11mins long |
Episode 158 | The Ascent | 11mins long |
Episode 159 | The Upply Strike Back | 11mins long |
Episode 160 | The Son of Lilly | 11mins long |
The island 2021
Ever since these episodes released i have not been sure to call it a special or season 14
When Lloyd finds out Master wu Misako and Clutch powers have not returned from an expidition to an unknown island the Ninja head there to find out
Episode Number | Episode Name | How long |
Episode 161 | Uncharted | 11mins long |
Episode 162 | The Keepers of the Amulet | 11mins long |
Episode 163 | The Gift of Jay | 11mins long |
Episode 164 | The tooth of Wojira | 11mins long |
Seabound 2021 Season 14
Now Back to Ninjago From the island Nya’s powers are starting to act different and the source is coming from a trench Underwater so Lloyd, Jay, Zane, Nya and P.I.X.A.L. travel to the source only to be captured by a group of people called merlopians and they take them to there king which is son killed by his son Kalmmar and he attacks the Ninja in the end Nya has to merge with the sea to save her friends meaning she will forget them.
Episode Number | Episode Name | How Long |
Episode 165 | A Big Splash | 11mins long |
Episode 166 | The Call of the Deep | 11mins long |
Episode 167 | Unsinkable | 11mins long |
Episode 168 | Five Thousand Fathoms Down | 11mins long |
Episode 169 | The Wrath of Kalmaar | 11mins long |
Episode 170 | Long Live the King | 11mins long |
Episode 171 | Escape from Merlopia | 11mins long |
Episode 172 | The Tale of Benthomar | 11mins long |
Episode 173 | The Storm Amulet | 11mins long |
Episode 174 | Riddle Of the Sphinx | 11mins long |
Episode 175 | Papergirl | 11mins long |
Episode 176 | Master of the sea | 11mins long |
Episode 177 | The Calm Before the storm | 11mins long |
Episode 178 | Assault on Ninjago City | 11mins long |
Episode 179 | Nyad | 11mins long |
Episode 180 | The turn of the tide | 11mins long |
Crystalized 2022 Season 15
Sad because of the loss of Nya the ninja have gone there seperate ways it isn’t till Cole sees they are being replaced by The New ninja and that there is a mysterious vengestone buyer so the team comes togethor and Nya returns but to turn her back they need asphera but they have to break the law meaning they go to prison in the end and Lloyd gets a visit from a masked stranger who turns out to be Harumi and she tells him about the Crystal king and convinces him to use his oni form meanwhile the ninja must learn dragon form
Episode number | Episode name | How Long |
Episode 181 | Farewell the sea | 11mins long |
Episode 182 | The call of home | 11mins long |
Episode 183 | The Shape of Nya | 11mins long |
Episode 184 | A Mayor Problem | 11mins long |
Episode 185 | Public Enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5 | 11mins long |
Episode 186 | A painful promise | 11mins long |
Episode 187 | Ninjago City vs Ninja | 11mins long |
Episode 188 | Kryptarium Prison Blues | 11mins long |
Episode 189 | Hounddog McBrag | 11mins long |
Episode 190 | The Benefit of grief | 11mins long |
Episode 191 | The Fifth Villain | 11mins long |
Episode 192 | The Council of the Crystal King | 11mins long |
Episode 193 | A sinister shadow | 11mins long |
Episode 194 | The Spider Design | 11mins long |
Episode 195 | The Fall of the Monastery | 11mins long |
Episode 196 | Darkness within | 11mins long |
Episode 197 | The coming of the King | 11mins long |
Episode 198 | Return to Primeval’s Eye | 11mins long |
Episode 199 | Crystastrophe | 11mins Long |
Episode 200 | Christofern | 11mins long |
Episode 201 | A Lesson in Anger | 11mins long |
Episode 202 | Brave but foolish | 11mins long |
Episode 203 | Quittin’Time | 11mins long |
Episode 204 | Return of the ice emperor | 11mins long |
Episode 205 | Safe Haven | 11mins long |
Episode 206 | Compatible | 11mins long |
Episode 207 | Distress Calls | 11mins long |
Episode 208 | An issue of trust | 11mins long |
Episode 209 | Dragon Form | 11mins long |
Episode 210 | Roots | 11 mins long |
Dragon Rising 2023 season 1 (Season 16)
In the new show Ninjago dragons rising the realms have all connected and the ninja have disappeared but when Lloyd finds Arin and Sora he trains them to battle against the imperium villains and save the dragons

Episode number | Episode name | how long |
Episode 211 (Episode 1) | The Merge part 1 | 22 mins long |
Episode 212 (Episode 2) | The Merge Part 2 | 22mins long |
Episode 213 (Episode 3) | Crossroads Carnival | 22mins long |
Episode 214 (Episode 4) | Beyond Madness | 22mins long |
Episode 215 (Episode 5) | Writers of Destiny | 22mins long |
Episode 216 (Episode 6) | Return to Imperium | 22mins long |
Episode 217 (Episode 7) | Mindless beasts | 22mins long |
Episode 218 (Episode 8) | I will be the danger | 22mins long |
Episode 219 (Episode 9) | The Calm inside | 22mins long |
Episode 220 (Episode 10) | The Battle of the seconded Monastery | 22mins long |
Episode 221 (Episode 11) | The Temple of the Dragon Energy cores | 22mins long |
Episode 222 (Episode 12 | Gangs of the sea | 22mins long |
Episode 223 (Episode 13) | Wydly Inappropriate | 22mins long |
Episode 224 (Episode 14) | The Last Djinn | 22mins long |
Episode 225 (Episode 15) | They Call It Doom | 22mins long |
Episode 226 (Episode 16) | The land of the lost things | 22mins long |
Episode 227 (Episode 17) | The Administration | 22mins long |
Episode 228 (Episode 18) | Absolute Power | 22mins long |
Episode 229 (Episode 19) | We are all Dragons | 22mins long |
Episode 230 (Episode 20) | The Power Within | 22mins long |
Dragons Rising Season 2 (Season 17)
Episode 231 (Episode 21) | The Blood Moon | 22mins long |
Episode 232 (Episode 22) | Shattered dreams | 22mins long |
Episode 233 (Episode 23) | Beyond the phantasm cave | 22mins long |
Episode 234 (Episode 24) | Force from the east | 22mins long |
Episode 235 (Episode 25) | The spell at the waterfall | 22mins long |
Episode 236 (Episode 26) | To Mysterium | 22mins long |
Episode 237 (Episode 27) | Fugitives from madness | 22mins long |
Episode 238 (Episode 28) | Secrets of the Wyldness | 22mins long |
Episode 239 (Episode 29) | The Forest of Spirits | 22mins long |
Episode 240 (Episode 30) | Rising Ninja | 22mins long |
Episode 241 (Episode 31) | The Shape of Motion | 22mins long |
Episode 232 (Episode 32) | Enter the city of temples | 22mins long |
Episode 233 (Episode 33) | They gather for the feast | 22mins long |
Episode 234 (Episode 34) | Inside the Maze | 22mins long |
Episode 235 (Episode 35) | United we fall | 22mins long |
Episode 236 (Episode 36) | Truth and lies | 22mins long |
Episode 237 (Episode 37) | The Sword that shatters | 22mins long |
Episode 238 (Episode 38) | Clues and Suspects | 22mins long |
Episode 239 (Episode 39) | The Final Game | 22mins long |
Episode 240 (Episode 40) | Elements of Betrayal | 22mins long |
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